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Eight fresh facts about orthodontics

First recognised as a specialist field in the early 1900s, orthodontics is a fascinating area of the dental health profession which has grown, evolved and plays a major role in mainstream society today.

With a focus on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental and facial irregularities to help correctly align teeth, bites and jaws, there are only 624 practitioners who specialise in orthodontics across Australia.

Their collective aim is to create straight, aligned smiles that allow for increased self-confidence and better dental health throughout a patient’s lifetime.

If you’ve ever wondered about the history, skill and ethos involved, here are seven fresh facts about orthodontics.

Orthodontics literally means ‘straight teeth

Did you know the word orthodontics comes from Greek origins? ‘Ortho’ is a prefix that means straight, upright or correct, while ‘dontia’ means teeth. Put it together and you have straight teeth.

However, the specialty of orthodontics extends far beyond just straightening teeth. It is a highly-trained field that also looks at the alignment of the bite, the formation of the jaw, and how this fits together with the look and function of the face.

It’s for everyone

Braces might often be associated with teens, but the truth is orthodontists treat a variety of problems and seeing one can be valuable throughout the course of life.

In fact, it’s recommended children first see an orthodontist between at age 7 to identify any potential problems that might be emerging. At this stage some of the adult teeth are already in position, while the position others are likely to grow into can also be clearly seen.

If necessary, an orthodontic specialist can then maximise a child’s growth phases by treating problems with early intervention.

Meanwhile, there is no upper age limit for when you can have orthodontic treatment and they can also treat a range of other issues including sleep apnoea and speech impediments.

If you are an adult who has concerns about the look or function of your teeth and smile, an orthodontist can assist.

Orthodontists don’t just straighten teeth

As we alluded to earlier, orthodontists don’t just straighten teeth, they also deal with a wealth of issues that arise because the teeth or jaw do not fit together as they should.  

That means an orthodontist can assist with further issues, like:

  • Sleep apnoea
  • Bite imperfections that cause the teeth to wear
  • Some speech impediments due to bite problems

Treating crooked teeth is nothing new

As the American Association of Orthodontists explains, treating misaligned teeth is nothing new. Archaeologists have even found Egyptian mummies with braces-like bands on their teeth.

In 400BC famed Greek medical practitioner Hippocrates spent time pondering ways to straighten teeth, while Roman Writer Celsus later surmised that children’s teeth could be coaxed into place by applying daily pressure.

Wearers of note in ancient times may have even included Cleopatra, while natural fibres like catgut and precious metals such as gold were among the tools used to assist.

The field of orthodontics began over a century ago

Although the practice of straightening teeth may be almost as old as humanity itself, orthodontics was first officially recognised as an independent field in 1901 in America.

It was based on some landmark work that took place in the 1800s where dentists began honing the art using techniques and equipment that are familiar today. This included a wire crib, elastic, and the application of mild pressure at timed intervals to gently shift the teeth into their ideal position.

Straight teeth improve more than just your smile

While straight teeth can improve the look of your smile and often provide increased confidence, these are far from the only reasons straightening your teeth and aligning your bite is beneficial.

Teeth which are straight and meet correctly are easier to keep clean, and are less prone to wear and tear. Over the course of a lifetime this can lead to better dental health.

In addition, dental health is linked with general wellbeing. A wealth of research indicates oral health problems like gum disease and decay are a factor in a range of medical issues including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Why see a specialist?

Some dentists offer orthodontic services and some treatments are even available over the internet. However, it’s really important you consult a registered specialist orthodontist when it comes to straightening your teeth and aligning your bite.

Specialist orthodontists have undertaken extensive further training beyond their dental degree in areas like facial structure, growth and development, and state-of-the-art orthodontic techniques.

Meanwhile, DIY treatments have the potential to cause significant damage to your teeth and the supporting structures within the jaw. This can be expensive to fix and may even result in tooth loss.

You don’t need a referral to see a specialist orthodontist and you can check whether your orthodontist is suitably qualified at Orthodontics Australia or at the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency.   

A specialist has studied for extra years: it takes a minimum 10 years to become a specialist

Not only is an orthodontist a specialist in that field, they are also a registered dentist. To become one of Australia’s few orthodontists, an individual must first study general dentistry, practise in this field for two years, and only then are they eligible to study orthodontics.

This specialisation takes an additional three years to acquire and involves full-time university training in orthodontics, facial growth and development, biology and biomechanics.

After eight years of training in total, along with two years working as a dentist, they hold a General Dental Degree and a Specialist Orthodontic Degree after a total of 10 years!.

About Norwest

Norwest Orthodontics specialises in helping you achieve a great smile, no matter your age. We feature a range of orthodontic treatments that span from early intervention right through to remedial adult work.

We also have a suite of treatments available that includes Invisalign and we welcome the opportunity to work with you to achieve the smile that you’ve always dreamed of.

You can learn more about our services, or contact us here to make an appointment.


Eight fresh facts about orthodontics


child dental health FAQ health orthodontic facts orthodontics sleep apnoea specialist straight teeth teeth Treatment
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