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Tag: hygiene

True or false? Wisdom teeth will ruin the hard work of braces.

Many people believe that once your wisdom teeth come through, your perfectly straightened teeth will become crooked once again. However the likelihood of this occurring is fairly improbable, especially if you are keeping up with your post orthodontic treatment appointments. Wisdom teeth are unlikely to ruin the hard work of (...)

Braces terminology – what do all these words mean?

Getting orthodontic treatment can be an overwhelming process, but not understanding what language your specialist orthodontist is speaking can be even more confusing. To help you through your orthodontic journey, Norwest Orthodontics has put together a list of braces terminology of new words that you are likely to hear over (...)

How good teeth can help you land your dream career

While it might not be right, the way a person looks and that first impression based on looks has an immediate effect on the way people form an opinion of another person. In a professional setting, unfortunately this is no different to the rest of the world. And a nice (...)

Helping your child cope with braces

Braces as a child can be overwhelming and the reality is that there can be some pain associated with the orthodontic treatment. The first pain for most will be a few hours after the braces are first put in place. Unfortunately, this is due to them being new and sometimes they (...)

Why do I seem to salivate so much now I have braces?

Excess saliva can be a common side effect when you first get braces; however patients need not be concerned as it doesn’t last too long. Anything you place in your mouth sets off receptors in your brain, producing more saliva to prepare to digest food. So when you add braces (...)

Are Braces Worth The Time and Effort?

Braces are worth it, and it's not only for aesthetic reasons that our Specialist Orthodontist will tell you that. Braces can actually improve your overall health. The time and effort spent with braces now can save you from cosmetic, structural, and medical problems later. Many people think that braces are (...)

Breaking down the braces lingo

To help you understand what we are talking to you about during your orthodontic treatment, we’ve put together a quick list of braces lingo we use and what it means. Braces is the term for the device that we will use to start your orthodontic treatment, and are generally comprised (...)

What is early intervention?

Early intervention is about providing orthodontic treatment to children at a younger age to avoid having lengthy and complicated orthodontic braces at a later point, whether it is during teens or even adult orthodontics. Early intervention has been around for a long time; however people are becoming more aware and (...)

Do genetics play a part with a crooked smile?

Can you really blame Mum or Dad, Gran or Pa for your crooked smile? There are many arguments as to whether or not genetics play a part with a crooked smile. Many external factors attribute to crooked teeth, such as thumb sucking as a child. However genetics can often be (...)

The myths and facts about braces

Once it has been determined whether orthodontic braces are the treatment for you, a million questions begin popping up; questions and ideas, myths and facts, all from others who have had orthodontic braces previously. Let us break down some of those myths and give you the facts: Myth: Braces set (...)

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