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Tag: tips

Jessica’s Interview

1. How long have you worked in the dental field? I have worked for three years as a dental nurse and almost three years as a dental receptionist. 2. What do you enjoy most about working at Norwest Orthodontics? There is never a dull moment. I also love forming relationships (...)

Building your teen’s self-esteem with braces

Building a teenagers self-confidence is all part of creating a positive and well-adjusted young adult, someone who takes pride in their work and is set up to tackle the challenges of teenage years and beyond. One way you can help to grow a teenager’s self-confidence while wearing orthodontic braces is (...)

Meet Tina! Our Oral Health Therapist

Tina - Oral Health Therapist (OHT) What does an Oral Health Therapist do? As an Oral Health Therapist in an Orthodontic practice we work alongside a Specialist Orthodontist under their supervision to change arch wires, bond indirect braces, place fixed lingual retainers, to remove braces, take photographs and moulds and (...)

Other options to straighten teeth

The concept of needing braces can be a daunting process regardless of your age. Braces for adults and braces for kids both hold an element of unease with them. With orthodontic technology advancing, there are great products being offered to alleviate the discomfort of wearing braces. Damon braces are a (...)

Blocked airways and early orthodontic treatment

What many of us don’t realise is that our facial profile and jaw starts to become permanent by the age of 12. Effects such as overbites, under bites, crowding, small jaw space etc. are pretty much set by the time we hit adolescence. Interceptive Orthodontics points out “Treatment must focus (...)

How to stop your child from thumb sucking

humb sucking in children is pretty normal, however if this does not stop by the time your child has their second teeth coming through excessive thumb sucking can lead to the front teeth being out of alignment – otherwise known as buck teeth – and potentially even lead to a (...)

How to best prepare for your braces fitting

It can be a daunting scenario getting orthodontic braces; particularly for those of a younger age. There are many misconceptions about braces being painful to get put on, however the process itself is not painful but discomfit may be felt in the next few following days. These days there are (...)

Should I still visit the dentist during orthodontic treatment?

Yes! It is even more so important to visit the dentist during your orthodontic braces treatment than at any other point in your dental life. The misconception is, that as you are visiting an orthodontist already, why see a dentist? This is because your orthodontist and dentist are looking after (...)

What can you do for your children to prevent them needing braces in the future?

Many of us would like to avoid putting our children through orthodontic treatment; however the reality is that most of us have or would like our children to go through treatment to straighten teeth or adjust teeth for health reasons. As adults, those of us who did not have orthodontic (...)

The truth about the functionality of braces

The myth about braces is that they are used purely to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. However, braces are used for functionality and health reasons just as much, and if not more than they are for aesthetics. Good aesthetics and a great looking smile are the fortunate by-product of (...)

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