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Tag: teeth

Will braces damage my teeth?

With the proper care, braces will not damage your teeth. However, it’s important to follow the care instructions we give you to ensure that problems do not arise during your orthodontic treatment. When you start your orthodontic treatment, our Specialist Orthodontist Dr. Purkayastha will give you some oral care instructions (...)

How will braces affect my child’s everyday routine?

Braces have come a long way from the days of teenagers living uncomfortably with a mouth full of silver metal braces to straighten teeth. Today’s braces can be clear and are much more comfortable , however there is still some adjustments to a child’s routine that will need to be (...)

Is teeth extraction a necessary part of braces treatment?

Removing teeth is not necessarily part of an orthodontic braces treatment plan. Each person needs to be individually assessed and if extraction is needed, it will be based on their particular treatment. Norwest Orthodontics will always review your treatment extensively as to develop a plan that is most effective and (...)

Why it’s so important to wear your retainer!

What most people don’t realise is that wearing braces for improvement in tooth alignment doesn’t necessarily mean it’s for life.  Orthodontic retention is one of most important stages of aligning your teeth, making sure that the improvements you’ve made by wearing braces will remain permanent. After your braces are removed, (...)

Breaking down the braces lingo

To help you understand what we are talking to you about during your orthodontic treatment, we’ve put together a quick list of braces lingo we use and what it means. Braces is the term for the device that we will use to start your orthodontic treatment, and are generally comprised (...)

Something old, something new

Your wedding day will be the most memorable day of your life and having beautiful, straight teeth will be part of the picture. Invisalign is the popular choice among brides and grooms who want to completely transform their smile before their big day. If you’re ready for a smile that (...)

Other options to straighten teeth

The concept of needing braces can be a daunting process regardless of your age. Braces for adults and braces for kids both hold an element of unease with them. With orthodontic technology advancing, there are great products being offered to alleviate the discomfort of wearing braces. Damon braces are a (...)

A better smile = a better you

As the years move forward, society is becoming increasingly more aware of the benefits of feeling and looking good to benefit your overall health. What we may not realise, is that to straighten teeth and have a good smile is one of the biggest steps to leading to a better (...)

How to stop your child from thumb sucking

humb sucking in children is pretty normal, however if this does not stop by the time your child has their second teeth coming through excessive thumb sucking can lead to the front teeth being out of alignment – otherwise known as buck teeth – and potentially even lead to a (...)

How to best prepare for your braces fitting

It can be a daunting scenario getting orthodontic braces; particularly for those of a younger age. There are many misconceptions about braces being painful to get put on, however the process itself is not painful but discomfit may be felt in the next few following days. These days there are (...)

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