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Tag: teeth

Choosing an orthodontist

Whether you’re an adult who has always wanted to straighten their teeth, have a child who is looking to visit the orthodontist for the first time, or are currently undergoing orthodontic treatment and have relocated, choosing an orthodontist involves more than just selecting the first name you find on the (...)

10 hidden benefits of straight teeth

A beautiful smile may be the ultimate outcome of orthodontic treatment, but there are also a host of hidden benefits to having straight teeth. The advantages of a winning smile extend long into the future and encompass everything from psychological wellbeing to better general health. Here are just some of (...)

What is an orthodontic expander?

Orthodontics doesn’t just involve braces, with an array of appliances and techniques available to the skilled orthodontist in the quest to create a healthy, vibrant smile. One such appliance is the orthodontic expander, and here’s how it works… An orthodontic expander Generally used in children aged up to their mid-teens, (...)

Five ways orthodontic intervention can save you money and future dental work

According to the Australian Society of Orthodontists almost two thirds of Australians would consider orthodontic treatment to improve their smile, but aesthetic appeal isn’t the only benefit that comes with braces. In the long run, orthodontic intervention can save some serious money and further dental work. Here’s an insight into (...)

Foods that stain your teeth

If you’ve invested time, effort and money in achieving the perfect smile through braces, the last thing you want to do is taint those pearly whites. And the truth is there are a host of foods many of us consume each and every day which can do exactly that. From (...)

Help, I’ve broken my braces…

Every now and then accidents can and do happen while wearing braces. Whether it’s due to a sporting mishap or eating the wrong foods, occasionally a bracket can detach from the tooth or the arch wire may slip from the bracket. Although these incidents are rare, they will need to (...)

Create a great smile as part of your wedding plan

For years to come you’ll look back at the photos of your wedding day remembering what a significant moment in life it was. And for many there will be a lot of time and preparation in the months or even years leading up to the event ensuring the venue’s right, (...)

An insight into Invisalign

Invisalign has emerged as one of the most revolutionary treatment options in orthodontics, allowing patients access to teeth straightening without visible braces. If you’re investigating your options when it comes to the perfect smile, here’s an insight into Invisalign. What is Invisalign? Invisalign is the clear alternative to braces that (...)

True or false? Wisdom teeth will ruin the hard work of braces.

Many people believe that once your wisdom teeth come through, your perfectly straightened teeth will become crooked once again. However the likelihood of this occurring is fairly improbable, especially if you are keeping up with your post orthodontic treatment appointments. Wisdom teeth are unlikely to ruin the hard work of (...)

Straight teeth will lead to a healthier and happier you!

Orthodontic treatment can do more than just straighten teeth. It can improve your overall health and wellbeing. Straightened teeth can help alleviate jaw issues that may be leading to blocked airways, lock jaw, snoring or grinding. When our teeth are out of alignment we are potentially increasing the chance of (...)

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