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Tag: Children

Customise Yourself with a New Smile

Do you know how many benefits a smile can have? Numerous studies have been conducted on the act of smiling and the benefits are astounding! A simple smile can lower your stress and anxiety levels, make you feel happier, and strengthen your immune system. But a smile can have effects (...)

Will upcoming wisdom teeth ruin my children’s straightened teeth?

After years of braces treatment to get your child’s teeth perfect and with a straight and beautiful smile, the last thing you need is for wisdom teeth to come along and ruin all that work. For our patients who have braces applied pre-teens or early teens, wisdom teeth don’t really (...)

How will braces affect my child’s everyday routine?

Braces have come a long way from the days of teenagers living uncomfortably with a mouth full of silver metal braces to straighten teeth. Today’s braces can be clear and are much more comfortable , however there is still some adjustments to a child’s routine that will need to be (...)

Is teeth extraction a necessary part of braces treatment?

Removing teeth is not necessarily part of an orthodontic braces treatment plan. Each person needs to be individually assessed and if extraction is needed, it will be based on their particular treatment. Norwest Orthodontics will always review your treatment extensively as to develop a plan that is most effective and (...)

Breaking down the braces lingo

To help you understand what we are talking to you about during your orthodontic treatment, we’ve put together a quick list of braces lingo we use and what it means. Braces is the term for the device that we will use to start your orthodontic treatment, and are generally comprised (...)

How to stop your child from thumb sucking

humb sucking in children is pretty normal, however if this does not stop by the time your child has their second teeth coming through excessive thumb sucking can lead to the front teeth being out of alignment – otherwise known as buck teeth – and potentially even lead to a (...)

To extract or not to extract?

Where possible, extraction is best to be avoided at the best of times. Extraction used to be a popular option when undergoing orthodontics braces, yet there are many custom orthodontics options now available that escape the need for extraction. For example, many orthodontists in Sydney opt for expanders, an expander (...)

What is early intervention?

Early intervention is about providing orthodontic treatment to children at a younger age to avoid having lengthy and complicated orthodontic braces at a later point, whether it is during teens or even adult orthodontics. Early intervention has been around for a long time; however people are becoming more aware and (...)

What can you do for your children to prevent them needing braces in the future?

Many of us would like to avoid putting our children through orthodontic treatment; however the reality is that most of us have or would like our children to go through treatment to straighten teeth or adjust teeth for health reasons. As adults, those of us who did not have orthodontic (...)

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