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Tag: braces

The benefits of a beautiful smile

The eyes might be the window to the soul but it’s your smile that conveys how you feel about yourself and the world around you. The truth is, not all of us are blessed with a naturally great smile. However, the good news is, it’s one of the easiest and (...)

Orthodontic treatment and pregnancy

Pregnancy elicits a host of physical changes in women that can extend far beyond a growing baby bump. While many of these changes are welcome, such as thick hair and a glowing complexion, some may not be so enthusiastically embraced, like shifting teeth and gum problems. The good news is (...)

The stages of braces

Achieving the perfect smile isn’t just about straightening teeth, it also involves ensuring the jaw and bite align correctly to enable effective chewing, prevent teeth wear and to maintain oral health into the future. Ensuring these factors come together during braces’ treatment involves the skill and foresight of your orthodontist, (...)

How much will braces cost?

The benefits of a beautiful smile and increased confidence may be priceless, but one of the prime questions that many parents and adult patients have is how much will braces cost? The truth is the price of orthodontic treatment can vary depending on what’s required and the products you choose, (...)

The different types of braces

Gone are the days where one solution fits all in the world of orthodontics. As technology advances and braces become more streamlined, there’s a lot more to getting braces than just metal and brackets. Orthodontics is a highly specialised field where creating the right smile is very much individually customised. (...)

Help, I’ve broken my braces…

Every now and then accidents can and do happen while wearing braces. Whether it’s due to a sporting mishap or eating the wrong foods, occasionally a bracket can detach from the tooth or the arch wire may slip from the bracket. Although these incidents are rare, they will need to (...)

Create a great smile as part of your wedding plan

For years to come you’ll look back at the photos of your wedding day remembering what a significant moment in life it was. And for many there will be a lot of time and preparation in the months or even years leading up to the event ensuring the venue’s right, (...)

Enjoying the festive season with braces

With parties, barbecues and sugary treats all on the menu over the festive season, maintaining a food routine that caters to your orthodontic work can be slightly more challenging at this time of year. There’s candy canes, sticky lollies, nuts and a whole host more on the menu - all (...)

10 celebrities you would never know had braces

Worried that you’re the only one with braces? According to the Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO), 62% of Australian adults are considering orthodontic treatment1 and 80% of American teenagers are currently undertaking orthodontic treatment2. So it’s no surprise that many celebrities have undergone orthodontic treatment at some point. Celebrities may (...)

True or false? Wisdom teeth will ruin the hard work of braces.

Many people believe that once your wisdom teeth come through, your perfectly straightened teeth will become crooked once again. However the likelihood of this occurring is fairly improbable, especially if you are keeping up with your post orthodontic treatment appointments. Wisdom teeth are unlikely to ruin the hard work of (...)

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