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Tag: orthodontic facts

Why orthodontic treatment can’t be rushed

It’s natural to want to achieve that winning smile as quickly as possible. And the good news is, orthodontic treatments are far more efficient and effective than in years gone by, shaving months of the time it previously took to achieve a picture-perfect smile that lasts a lifetime. That said, (...)

I’m missing a tooth – can an orthodontist help?

Whether it’s due to trauma, gum disease or genetics, a missing adult tooth often has a knock-on effect in terms of tooth alignment. With free space created, other teeth tend to drift or tip into the gap, so effectively what started as a single missing tooth now extends to a (...)

The orthodontic importance of baby teeth

From the moment they start to erupt at around six months of age, baby teeth play an essential role in the orthodontic process. These tiny teeth pave the way for adult teeth, creating space, and eventually falling out to allow permanent teeth to take up their rightful position in the (...)

The myths and facts about braces

Once it has been determined whether orthodontic braces are the treatment for you, a million questions begin popping up; questions and ideas, myths and facts, all from others who have had orthodontic braces previously. Let us break down some of those myths and give you the facts: Myth: Braces set (...)

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