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Tag: children’s teeth

Protecting your child’s teeth

From the moment those tiny teeth start to surface at about the age of six months, children’s teeth offer a fascinating insight into the amazing capabilities of the human body. Designed to arrive right on cue as children start to eat solids and speak, only to be replaced by larger (...)

Will upcoming wisdom teeth ruin my children’s straightened teeth?

After years of braces treatment to get your child’s teeth perfect and with a straight and beautiful smile, the last thing you need is for wisdom teeth to come along and ruin all that work. For our patients who have braces applied pre-teens or early teens, wisdom teeth don’t really (...)

How to stop your child from thumb sucking

humb sucking in children is pretty normal, however if this does not stop by the time your child has their second teeth coming through excessive thumb sucking can lead to the front teeth being out of alignment – otherwise known as buck teeth – and potentially even lead to a (...)

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